Prank Gone Wrong leads Corbin High School Maintenance worker to file lawsuit

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Corbin, KY (Knox County News)

Nov. 3, 2021

Daniel C. Rice, a maintenance worker at Corbin High School, has filed a lawsuit against the Corbin School District that claims he was targeted by co-workers from a prank that involved a toilet and an IED, an improvised explosive device.

Rice filed the lawsuit in October for the prank that took place on July 13 in the maintenance building restroom. Rice also named co-workers Duane Logan, Mark Logan and Finley Thomas as well as Corbin Schools as defendants.

According to documents filed in Whitley County, his co-workers placed an IED in a toilet in the maintenance building that exploded when he went to relieve himself. The IED fueled by numerous fire crackers caused burns, bruising and cuts.

The complaint goes on to state that Rice’s co-workers offered no assistance after the incident to the injured party.

It also states that Rice has been unable to return to work and the school district has threatened to terminate his medical insurance unless he returned to work by October 18, 2021.