Greetings to all the faithful believers of Knox County.  The New Year is once again upon us, and we will be kicking it off again by reading the Bible out loud over Knox County.  This is our 3rd consecutive year of joining the people of God, across Kentucky, including our Governor, in reading the entire Bible out loud over our counties and washing the atmosphere off, with the “water of the Word”.  If you haven’t had a chance to be a part, come out Monday, January 1st, and join us at the courthouse in Barbourville, as we read the Word of God, together out into our community.  We would love to see believers from every church in Knox County, come together, in unity, around the Word of God.  It has been such a blessing, the last 3 years, and I know this year will be just as powerful, but we need everyone to join us in this endeavor.  Because, it is going to be very cold weather, and we have had several elderly or sick, who want to join in but can’t get out, ask us how they can be involved, we are opening up a new opportunity this year.  If you would like to read a book or passage out loud, from your home, or church, on that day, just contact this number,(606)521-3236, or (606)546-6038 or email us at, or and just tell us what book or passage you would like and we will assign it to you or your family or church to be read aloud, into the airwaves of Knox County.  We have some folks that are going to drive around the county and just read the Word of God out around the area.  Contact us, over the next few days and pick your passage, or come join us at the courthouse on Monday, and let us once again fill the air of Knox County with the Word of God.  Bless each and every one of you for doing your part.  Blessings and a Happy and Godly New year to you all…

The United Believers of Knox County